Social Media Training on the Horizon for Pittsburgh Police

Last Friday, September 21, Klein Michael Thaxton took a random hostage and held him in his own downtown Pittsburgh home. Throughout the time he held his hostage captive, Thaxton took to Facebook, leaving multiple unsettling posts. His most troubling issues seemed to be the inability to get a job, and his estrangement from a girlfriend he had not seen since 2008. By 1pm, his Facebook profile had been deleted, and by 2pm, Thaxton surrendered. The hostage was released unharmed.

Now the Pittsburgh police department is planning to train their officers to understand and become fluent in everything related to social media. The hope is that in the future, hostage negotiations will benefit from this extra training.


POP Note: Social Media Also has a Huge Impact in the Medical World


Read more about this incident here.


POP Note: Miami Internet Marketing Agencies can help train you to handle your social media!

popadminSocial Media Training on the Horizon for Pittsburgh Police