Easter is only a few short weeks away on April 8th. So let’s celebrate the best way we know how in the web world: by counting down the top seven “Google Easter Eggs.” Alright, so they’re in no particular order. They’re all pretty cool!
1. Google Gravity – If you put “Google Gravity” into the search field and click “I’m Feeling Lucky” and watch Google succumb to the forces of gravity.
2. “Do a Barrel Roll” – Type in “Do a Barrel Roll” on Google and watch the screen demonstrate one for you before giving you the search results.
3. “Where is Chuck Norris?” – Type this phrase into Google and hit “I’m Feeling Lucky” It will take you to a goof page stating that “Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.”
4. Let the Ninja out in Google Reader – This is one of the more difficult Google Easter Eggs. Use your keyboard to hit “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A” while in Google Reader and a little Ninja will be your surprise.
5. “Recursion” – Do you know what recursion means? If you don’t, you may have tried to Google it to find out. This is one ofa few words that might send you in an endless loop. Searching for the word recursion will give you a notice saying “Did you mean… “recursion,” spelled exactly as it should be. This is a great way to stump your less intellectual friends.
6. Meet “Meliza” – If you decide to visit Mars in the interactive Google Map, you can speak with Meliza the Martian.
7. Klingon, Pirates and Elmer Fudd, OH MY! – Google’s sense of humor extends into different languages. These are just three of the off-the-beaten-path languages you can view Google in. It functions exactly the same, but the buttons will speak your language of choice.
These are just seven of our favorite Google Easter Eggs. What did we miss? Share your favorites by commenting!
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