Online marketing is not an exact science at all. In fact, it often involves a great deal of trial & error to get the desired results. This is why there are so many different avenues you can take to create an online presence for your business. Different marketing and advertising firms specializing in the online world will each have their own way of approaching online marketing to get you the best results.
Regardless of who you hire to do your online marketing, or even if you decide to go at it alone, there are three heavy-hitters that are vital to any online marketing campaign: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM). Knowing what each of these are and how they can impact marketing your business will arm you with the knowledge you need to carry out a successful online marketing campaign. Below, we’ve explained the basics of each:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is not a topic that is easily explained or understood. Just to give a basic overview, there are two forms, on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO is basically the incorporation of high-search, low-competition keywords on the actual pages of your website to boost its placement in Google. Off-page SEO refers to taking the time to build your online presence off the site through tasks such as link-building. When done correctly, SEO is one of the most valuable tools to helping potential clients find your website.
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, refers to using paid advertisements, such as pay-per-click, and SEO research to move your website to the top of the most popular search engines. Pay-Per-Click advertising is one of the most popular, and also misused, ways to do this. Often, businesses will pay for these ads without doing the proper research on keywords to maximize the exposure of the ad. Therefore, they see little return on investment (ROI). Search engines will be happy to take your money for any PPC ads you wish to buy, but they are not there to advise you on the best wording necessary to make that ad successful.
- Social Media Marketing (SMM) – Social Media Marketing, or SMM, is probably the simplest of the three to understand. SMM is the act of using social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to boost your online presence and interact with customers and potential clients. You can post promotions, photos, links to blogs and a lot more on these sites (most of which are completely free) and it will help drive more users to your website and create customer loyalty through personal interactions.
Need help with any of these services? Comment below and we’re happy to point you in the right direction!
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