Aherk! – Motivation comes in the form of Facebook Humiliation

We’ve all struggled with motivation. Whether it was a personal or professional goal, we all have experience with missing a deadline or falling short in some way. It can be disappointing, but sometimes there is little consequence. A new app that works with Facebook will now punish you harshly for missing your goals.

Now in beta testing, Aherk! is an app that will allow you to set a goal, and if the goal is not met, the app will post an embarrassing photo to Facebook. Certainly seems like some good motivation, and it’s pretty easy to use too. Just connect the app to your Facebook account and then set a goal. Your friends on Facebook will be alerted to your goal, and when the deadline comes up, they will vote on whether or not you achieved it. If their vote reveals that you did not make your goal, the photo will be automatically posted to Facebook.

Certainly the idea is intriguing, and could possibly work quite well. The main issue is whether or not your friends will vote correctly, or simply vote that you did not reach your goal because they want to relish in your public humiliation.

If you decide to utilize Aherk! maybe limit it to friends you know will respect how important it is to you that you reach your goal, and that you’re taking this seriously. It may be hard to convince people that this is a serious process, so shed a few crocodile tears if necessary to get your point across.


popadminAherk! – Motivation comes in the form of Facebook Humiliation