“Live Below the Line:” Can you Live on $1.50 of Food Per Day?

A social media campaign called “Live Below the Line” is challenging people to live on only $1.50 worth of food per day. The idea is to change how people feel about poverty. More than 1.4 billion people that are living in extreme poverty have to live on that small amount of money regularly.

As reported by Mashable, the U.S. country director for the Global Poverty Project, Michael Trainer, said, “The intention is to increase awareness that will drive action to support poverty.”

It may sound difficult to live on only $1.50 worth of food a day, but Live Below the Line is happy to give you ideas in order to help you partcipate. And plenty of conversation can be found by looking up the hashtag #belowtheline on Twitter.

Trainer continued, “We’re trying to make this incorporate online activism with an offline experience… The engineering of this is intended to be social — pooling your resources and sharing your experiences — you can afford more food if you join together with friends.”

This is where another aspect of the campaign becomes especially important. As reported by Mashable, “Come Dine Below the Line encourages people to host their friends for a dinner party and serve a meal worth 50 cents per person. You can share photos of your 50 cent per person meals with the hashtag #dinebelowtheline.”

The campaign will run from May 7th through May 11th. What do you think? Can you live on only $1.50 worth of food a day? Comment below and share your thoughts.

popadmin“Live Below the Line:” Can you Live on $1.50 of Food Per Day?